39. La Risiera di San Sabba-A Nazi concentration camp in Trieste

Approaching the Risiera from the street. It stares at us with the hollow eyes of its many windows.

Monday, December 30, 2019: My friend Marco and I visit Trieste’s La Risiera di San Saba, a Nazi concentration camp for the detention and killing of political prisoners—collaborators and partisans—and a transit camp for Jews, most of whom were then deported to Auschwitz.

The Risiera, a five-storey brick compound built in 1913, originally functioned as a rice husking factory. Today, it’s a civic museum, serving as a grim reminder that Italian Jews were rounded up and then experienced the same fate as other Jews in Europe during WWII. Over 3,000 people were killed at the Risiera and thousands more were transported elsewhere.

Looking at the small prison cells, large holding rooms, and other parts of the Risiera, including a cremation facilities, and then trying to imagine what occurred and what life must have been like for the imprisoned is chilling and depressing.

We stay for about two hours, guided by the audio-tour, listening, looking, witnessing. Some of our time is spent in the museum, viewing documents, including letters that the imprisoned wrote; watching videos of interviews with those who survived or had witnessed what had occurred; looking at prisoners’ possessions; reading columns of statistics; and more. We walk quietly to the bus stop and travel back to the city center.

Memorial sculpture.

One thought on “39. La Risiera di San Sabba-A Nazi concentration camp in Trieste

  1. Glad you are still exploring and doing well.
    I am slowly working my way through the earlier releases of your blog. The photos are very beautiful and I appreciate your thoughts and news.
    Love, Helen


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